Get Rid Of Bed Bugs - Essex Bed Bug Removal
We can help you get rid of bed bugs
A bed bug infestation can be a traumatic experience. If you are in the Essex or East London area our discreet and friendly technicians can help you get rid of bed bugs fast. Recently we have seen a growth in cases. This is because bed bugs spread easy and are difficult to treat. Only a professional treatment can remove the problem. Also the longer the infestation is left the worse it can get. We can help and provide advice and get a treatment underway fast.
All about bed bugs
This insect is a ’true bug’. Bed bugs have evolved over millions of years and now live primarily from human blood (but they will also feed on domestic pets if they can). Bed bugs were virtually wiped out in the UK by 1950, following the development of pesticides. However, over the last few years they have been making a rapid comeback. Pest control professionals are reporting 500 percent + increases in the incidence of bed bug infestations over the last 3 years. Particularly badly affected are areas of Essex, East London & North London, but nowhere has been immune from their spread. Some of the reasons for this increase in bed bug infestations are:
- Increased global travel
- A general reduction in the use of residual insecticides
- Movement of infested furniture and tenants between infested rental properties
- Failure to promptly identify and treat infestations, leading to migration of the bed bugs
- Central heating providing suitable, year round, breeding conditions
Bed bugs can infest domestic houses, commercial properties such as hotels, hospitals and prisons and motor vehicles including public transport. The methods by which they are introduced into an environment are many, including:
- A guest bringing infested luggage or even via their clothing
- The occupant’s luggage or clothing becoming infested during a journey
- The introduction of infested second hand furniture, particularly beds, mattresses and sofas
- Migration of bed bugs from an infested, adjoining property

Identification of a bed bug infestation
The many people know of an infestation is when they discover bites and blood spots on their bed linen. However significant numbers of the population do not suffer a reaction to the bite. Therefore an infestation may go many months before other sins such as eggs, shed skins or Bed Bugs themselves are noticed. The longer an infestation goes untreated, the harder it is to eradicate. Therefore if you live in a high risk area or believe you may have been exposed to Bed Bugs elsewhere you should check your mattress, bed and surrounding furniture for signs of Bed Bugs at least once a month.
Bed Bug Survey and Removal in Essex
We have highly relevant experience in personally treating 100+ infestations per year, in the hot spots of Essex, East & North London.
Should you decide to use our services, you will be provided with a free no obligation quote over the phone. A typical bed bug infestation will require two separate treatments, the second being 7 – 10 days after the first. Some commercial environments may require a more intensive regime.
Prior to our arrival you will be asked to prepare the property for treatment. This will include thorough vacuum cleaning and removal of bed linen etc for laundry. (You should not remove infested furniture as this may lead to further spread of the infestation).
On arrival at your property we will conduct a thorough survey and then carry out a liquid pesticide treatment of all affected areas, including beds, mattresses, bedside furniture, soft furnishings, skirting, curtains, floors and door frames etc.
You will be required to leave the property during the bed bug treatment and remain outside for at least three hours. All chemicals used are safe and approved under COSHH 1999.